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Miten saan asiakirjan "Todiste leasing-sopimuksen päättymisestä" ranskalaisille autoille?

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9.9 How to obtain the document “Proof of leasing closure” for French cars?

If you have bought French cars that have been subject to the leasing regime, the proof of leasing closure is required to register the cars in another country.

Follow these steps to request proof of leasing closure:

Step 1: Click on this link:

Please note: This website is only available in French. You can use the translation service of your browser, e.g. Google Chrome:

Proof of leasing closure

Step 2: Click on “To start”

Click on “To start”

Step 3: Use the information from the French vehicle registration document to fill in the information and click on “Validate and finish”

Proof of leasing closure 3

Step 4: Click on this icon to receive the document

PDF Document

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

Related questions:

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Can I influence the shipping time of car documents?

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Can I get a hard copy of my invoice?


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