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Instruction movies

Movies made to help you getting the most out of our website.

Instruction movies —only available for continental European customers— made to help you getting the most out of our website. Do you want to discover how our platform works? Curious to know which tools and features are awaiting you to get the most of our website? You’ll find the answer in the following instruction movies:

- How to navigate on OPENLANE's marketplace
- Search for cars
- Save your searches
- VAT-margin cars
- Auction types
- How bidding works at OPENLANE
- Bidding tools
Negotiation feature

Guided Tour of OPENLANE's marketplace

Join us on a short guided tour of OPENLANE's online auction platform in this video, where we'll show you just how effortless it is to navigate and make the most of our marketplace.

A short guided tour

Search for cars

Are you looking for a specific vehicle? Or just hunting for a bargain? This detailed movie explains you the two ways how to find the vehicle you’re looking for.

Search for cars

Save your searches

Now you know how to search for cars, you probably want to know how you can save your searches for later. Find it out in this video.

Save your searches

VAT-margin cars

VAT laws relating to second-hand vehicles are constantly changing. To help you understand, we made this video to guide you through the two different VAT regimes on our website.

Vat/Margin cars

Auction types

We offer four different types of car auctions on our platform: Dynamic auctions, Blind auctions, Target auctions and Buy Now auctions. But what are the specifics of each auction type? And what exactly are x-Time auctions? Discover them in this video.

Auction types

How bidding works at OPENLANE

Bidding on and buying vehicles through OPENLANE is simple. But how exactly does bidding work at OPENLANE? This video shows you how to get started.

How to bid

Negotiation feature

With our negotiation feature, we’re giving you more opportunities to make offers that sellers accept. This video shows you how it works.

Negotiation feature


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